Since what I'm writing amounts to an advertisement of sorts, I should start by saying that I don't know the man who I'm talking about now. I've never met him, and I gain nothing from this little blog entry (except, perhaps, some satisfaction that I'm sharing the good deeds of another person).
Eric Barker is a guy who studies and writes about the various social and psychological situations we often find ourselves in and (critically) how we can make the best of them. I don't even remember how I came to start reading his work, several years ago, but something about it grabbed my attention and took hold. His succinct, positive, and clever presentation of issues made following him more than just worthwhile. It was inspirational. And, while I normally don't sign up for sign-ups, I can even say this one proved life-changing.
Now Eric Barker is releasing his first major book, and I'm excited to share the news with all others who may be interested. I've pre-ordered my copy already as I know it'll be something very useful in my own study and in my own teachings. I encourage everyone to take a look. You can click the pic below to jump over to Amazon and read more about this guy. Best to you all! -BC
Eric Barker is a thought leader in the field of success. His humorous but practical blog, Barking Up the Wrong Tree, presents science-based answers and expert insight on success in life. Over 270,000 people subscribe to his weekly email update and his content is syndicated by Time, The Week, and Business Insider. He has been featured in the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, the Financial Times, and he was a columnist for Wired. With a writing career spanning over twenty years, Eric is also a sought-after speaker and interview subject, and has been invited to speak at MIT, West Point, NPR affiliates, and on morning television